• Honesty Hour: Feelings

    My aunt shared something with me a few months ago and she started it with “This is ridiculous but I just feel…” and let me be the one to tell you this: Whatever you’re feeling, it’s not ridiculous. Your feelings matter and they are valid regardless of whatever situation you’re going through. And they’re valid because you’re you and whatever you’re going through is real. No matter what situation you’re facing: happy, sad, or mad, let yourself feel whatever the feeling is. You have permission to feel your feelings. Last summer, right before my grandmother died, during that weird stretch of time where you’re just waiting on that phone call,…

  • The 2 that started it all: Grandpa & Grandma

    How To Store Family Photos & My Why: Part 2

    Welcome to part 2 of the Family Photo Scanning Project: How To Store Family Photos & My Why for doing this! Why I Started The Photo Scanning Project You’re probably wondering why on earth I decided to do this & why I kept doing it when I discovered how many photos there were. So here’s why: I’ve always had a love of photos. I’ve always felt that photos were extremely important and now I believe that even more. The majority of those photos I had never seen before & being one of the youngest in my family, I didn’t know my cousins when they were kids so it was fun…

  • Boxes holding our family photos

    My Family Photo Scanning Project

    Not to freak anyone out but…I can pretty much recognize every member of my extended family as a baby. Let me explain: As some of you may remember, my grandmother passed away in August. So one day I was over at my grandparent’s house beginning the cleaning process and I discovered a drawer of photos, most of which I had never seen before. That day I had a great idea: the family photo scanning project. I should scan all of those photos so we have digital copies of them so we can have them forever and I’ll have them all titled with the names of those in them for future…

  • My Christmas Tree complete with a pink bow on top

    Honesty Hour: Holidays, Traditions, & Loss

    Honesty Hour: This has been the most difficult holiday season. I’ve lost 3 grandparents in 4 years. I have officially lost a whole set of grandparents. I’ve experienced 3 holiday seasons fresh off the loss of a grandparent, but this one was the worst. It was full of changes (which I am notorious for not being good at). It was about shifting traditions & making the most of it. I am a lover of tradition & the last 4 years (5 if you include the year my cousin got married) those traditions have fallen away completely or have shifted. This year, instead of solely focusing on (& being bummed over)…