• Our Christmas Tree this year!

    Life Lately…One Big Update on Life

    Heeeeyyyyyy! I’ve missed blogging. I’ve missed this space. I have been trying to blog again for a couple of weeks (months?) now and a variety of things have been holding me back from that. But, enough is enough so I decided to sit down and finally write something. I thought a “Life Lately” post might be a good place to start. Alright, I’ve been sitting in front of my laptop for 10 minutes trying to figure out what to say. I really want to write this post and hopefully somehow maybe get back into blogging again because I really love it and it makes me happy. One of the things…

  • Me, in front of the Biltmore in Asheville

    48 Hours in Asheville: A Weekend Guide

    A couple of weeks ago, Macy & I headed north for a fun 48 hours in Asheville. Maybe it’ll give you a couple of ideas for your next trip to Asheville. It’s the perfect long weekend getaway because it’s only a 3.5 hour drive. If Macy & I said it once we said it two dozen times: “I bet this is so pretty in May or October.” The mountains were pretty as we drove up to and around Asheville but the trees weren’t so much. It’s probably beautiful with the fall leaves or when everything is blooming in the late spring & summer. Asheville didn’t feel jam-packed nor did we…

  • An image of me outside in front of green leaves smiling

    Honesty Hour: Current State of Affairs

    My whole goal with these honesty hours & my blog in general is to be real & share the current state of my life. To bring real life–the good, bad, and ugly–to the Internet. I feel like it can really be a highlight reel and there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that. At times it can be refreshing, inspiring and pretty to look at, but I think so often we can forget that it is a highlight reel. So I wanted to pull back the curtain in some ways and just be honest with the things that I share. To share the pretty parts but also share some of the behind…

  • Photo of my Christmas tree downstairs full of sentimental ornaments topped with a red bow

    Honesty Hour: (Home) For the Holidays

    This is supposed to be an Honesty Hour all about Christmas & the New Year & being home for the holidays. But I’ll be honest and say that the only words I have for this blog post as I’m typing it is “Merry Christmas & Happy New Year”. That’s it. All I’ve got. And this blog post goes live in less than 48 hours. Yikes. Holiday Celebrations Back when this pandemic started, I (and a lot of others I’m sure), thought it’d be over by the holidays. Life would go back to “normal”. We’d celebrate the holidays how we always have, a.k.a. with our families. But here we are. Still…

  • Photo Collage featuring images from the last year of my blog

    My 1 Year Blogiversary: A Year in Review

    December 5. That’s the official date of my 1 year blogiversary. I cannot believe that it’s been a year of blogging! It has absolutely flown by so fast. When I started blogging I don’t think I thought this far ahead. I mean, I knew that I wanted it to grow and take off and provide much value for many years to come. But I also wasn’t planning a year ahead either. For me, the saying of “just start with a single step” was my motto. I was barely planning a month in advance. I planned a blog post week by week until I got into a groove and had some…

  • Image of an orange & burlap ribbon in front of a black and white pumpkin that says "Thankful"

    Honesty Hour: Practicing Gratitude

    The season of thankfulness & gratitude is upon us. And by upon us, I mean it’s here. For a lot of people at this time of year, they are truly grateful and have no problem practicing gratitude. It’s just part of this season & this month as we celebrate Thanksgiving. I can see that this year may have been much harder to practice gratitude than normal. No one is going to argue that it’s been…rough. Thanksgiving celebrations may not look normal for you which may also be hampering your ability to be grateful. So, in honor of this being the season of gratitude & it possibly being more difficult than…

  • Photo of me standing in front of the sunset

    Guide to Ponte Vedra Beach, FL + A Recap

    We just got back from a short 5 day vacation to Ponte Vedra Beach & I’m going to give you a guide to Ponte Vedra Beach! Ever since we got back from Panama City Beach in July, Macy was itching to go again. This time we were able to get Grammy & Andy to go with us so it was more of a family vacation this go round. We haven’t been on vacation with them in 10+ years so it was fun to be able to take a trip with them again. None of us except for Mom had ever been to Ponte Vedra so it was fun to be…

  • Photo of the Ocean Waves because it's time to let go

    Honesty Hour: It’s Time to Let Go

    I read this quote recently by Rupi Kaur that says, “you have to stopsearching for why at some pointyou have to leave it alone” There are so many things in my life that has happened over the last few months and up to a year or so, even longer than that, where I just want to know why. I want to understand. I want to understand why something happened or didn’t happen. I’m very much an “I need an answer” person. Philosophy never had a shot at being my major in college. I often think in black and white about things and am having to work on noticing when I…

  • me doing tree pose as part of my workout/yoga routine

    My Life Changing At-Home Workout Routine

    The fact that I’m even writing a post about my at-home workout routine & how it’s affected my life is absolutely laughable. You want to know why? Because back in the day (probably around 6th grade-ish) I was known as “The Girl Who Hated to Sweat”. I’m not kidding. I didn’t like it. Never liked PE class or even recess (you could find me on the swings or chatting with my teacher). My only outdoor activities involved jumping on the trampoline in my backyard. Other than that, I was indoors. I actually vividly remember that day in computer class where I said that when I introduced myself & had to…

  • A Quilt Project From the Heart-the final quilt.

    A Quilt Project From the Heart

    This quilt project has been so long in the making. So, so long but also so, so worth it. Let me tell you the story of how this quilt project came to be… After my grandmother passed, the family needed to clean out her house. It was a massive undertaking that took months & several people to get it fully done. One of the bigger projects at my grandparent’s house was my grandmother’s clothes. She had a TON of clothes. I’m not exaggerating when I say that my grandmother had three—yes, 3—closets worth of clothes. THREE closets FULL of clothes. I can’t even imagine, personally, but Grandma did. My grandpa…