• Both of June's Recommended Books

    Meredith’s Recommended Books: June

    I don’t know about you but I always read way more during the summer. I think it’s spending time at the pool or the beach that does it. It’s dedicated time to sit, read, and fully immerse yourself in a book. When I’m at the beach, I can read a book a day. I’m not kidding. I once read a 400 page book in one day. It was a really good book! (It was Panic by Lauren Oliver; a great YA novel.) Whenever we go on vacation, I bring one book per day just so I’m prepared. And I’m not a Kindle person. I prefer actual physical books. I want…

  • Me posing for a photo at the end of the Peachtree Road Race

    #tbt Peachtree Road Race

    I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I ran (well, ran & walked, okay, a lot of walking) the Peachtree Road Race! In honor of that, I thought it would be fun to share a little throwback/recap of that experience. Even though I was not planning on partaking in it this year, I’m bummed that for the first time EVER it won’t actually be happening on the Fourth. It’ll be on Thanksgiving which is so weird to me! Anyway…let’s take a fun walk down memory lane! I’m honestly not sure I’ve ever seen the sunrise. Until today. I was up bright and early before the sun & got to…

  • Photo of my beach bag with all of my essentials

    What’s In My Beach Bag?!

    I have a multitude of beach bags. I love them. I’m all about trying out different ones to find the right fit for you & your trip. I’ve tried big bags, small bags, no pockets, tons of pockets, canvas, (whatever type is easy to clean), burlap. I’ve tried it all! And sometimes I change it up with every trip I take. But you know what doesn’t change? What goes IN my beach bag. That stays consistent. Now that the country & our beaches are opening back up & people are starting to go to the beach I thought it’d be a good time to share what’s in my beach bag!…

  • Mother & Son Photo taken in Lagrange, Ga

    Robinson Maternity + Mother & Son Photos in LaGrange, GA

    This is a special maternity & mother/son photography session because it’s my cousin, Laura & her son, Collier! She’s due in August & I knew when she said that she was pregnant that I wanted to take maternity photos. I was prepared to beg. But thankfully, she didn’t make me. Hahaha! I actually had a dream back in November that she was pregnant & then when we celebrated Christmas as a family, my mom, sister, & I all thought “She’s pregnant.” Then a few months later, she shared that she was. I don’t want to say that I predicted it…but… 🙂 Haha This is Laura’s second baby—it’s a girl!—so I…

  • Meredith’s Recommended Books: May

    This month is FULL of GOOD books. Both of these books I highly highly highly recommend. This *may* be one of my favorite set of recommended books so far this year. (Did I really just say that?!) Both are easy reads & won’t take you long to read them but you’re going to want to read them without skipping a word. I think we should just get right into these 2 books! Here we go! May Book #1: Communication IQ by Fred & Anna Kendall Here’s the summary: Every so often, we meet people with whom we find it difficult to communicate. For one reason or another, we don’t seem…

  • Tipton Family-Mother & Son-8

    Tipton Family Session in Fayetteville, GA

    I photographed this sweet mother-son duo back in March before the stay-at-home order went into effect here in Georgia & I’m so glad that I was able to photograph them beforehand! My aunt introduced me to the Tiptons & the first thing she told me was that I would love Amy & that she was so sweet! She was not wrong. My sister & I love her! She’s easy going, kind, & funny. She even turned the camera on me & my sister & we got a great photo with that golden hour light! This little boy was precocious & had the cutest personality. When I asked him his name,…

  • Photo of stairs leading to the beach on 30A's Seagrove Beach

    2 Day Vacay to Panama City Beach

    For YEARS, my family would vacation in Panama City Beach. We’d stay in the same condo around the same time of year. We’d eat at our same favorite restaurants. We’d spend 1 morning/early afternoon at Pier Park & spend the rest of our vacation sitting on the beach. It was glorious. Then…we got older, the owners sold their condo plus we wanted a change so we started going to different beaches. But one thing remained the same…our love for a particular restaurant: Liza’s Kitchen. It’s a sandwich shop right on the main drag of PCB (Panama City Beach) & it was walking distance from the condo we always stayed in.…

  • Photo of a bowl of Summer Garden Pasta

    Summer Garden Pasta

    I think I’m pretty much always on the lookout for a new recipe even if it takes me a little while to actually cook that recipe. Someone that I follow on Instagram shared a basic pasta recipe & I knew right away that I wanted to try it ASAP! Looking back at the picture she shared of her pasta, I realize mine is not that similar but it did give me the inspiration to make my own! I’m calling it “Summer Garden Pasta”! I have become that person I used to strongly dislike: the one that eyeballs everything & doesn’t have a recipe. The first time I made this, I…

  • Meredith’s Recommended Books: April

    This month, y’all. It’s gone by so fast to me! I can’t believe May is here! I think I’ve left the house maybe 4 times in April which has got to be the littlest amount I’ve ever left the house since I got my driver’s license. On the bright side, I’ve had plenty of time to read.  I read 2 books this month. A non-fiction book & a YA (young adult) novel but because I don’t think I have a lot of YA readers reading this, I’m actually going to share a book that has stuck with me since I read it a couple of years ago. It’s a good…

  • Top 5 Favorite & Easy Dinner Recipes

    I don’t know about y’all but we’re tired of cooking & we’re running out of dinner ideas. We’ve been cooking the same amount that we always do but quarantine has made it feel like so. much. more. So if you’re anything like us & need new dinner inspiration, look no further! In my house, we all have nights to cook dinner. My nights are Tuesday & Thursday and on my nights you don’t always know what you’re gonna get. I love to cook and try new recipes but I also love quick & comforting meals that we’re familiar with. I try to challenge myself and make new recipes while still…