Dogs & My Complete 180.
In the interest of completely sharing my life, there’s one part that I must share with y’all.

I might be am biased but she is just the cutest
little dog! Until she’s covered in dirt, grass, or otherwise has done something
else bad. Then she’s not that cute. haha
She’s 5.5 years old. She’s a Yorkie Poodle mix and she completely, totally, 100% controls our life.
I’m serious. If we’re going to be gone for more than a few hours a day, we have someone come check on her or stay with her for a little while. We don’t go on vacations unless she can go too. Even when we do take her on vacation, we try to not leave her for too long.
That’s embarrassing to write and put it out on the internet but it is true.

We got her in July 2014 & next month we’ll be taking our first ever vacation without her and we’re having someone come stay with her the entire time we’re gone so she won’t be alone all day long.
I’m not sure if we’re more worried about how she’s gonna handle us being gone or how we’re going to handle not having her around.
She instantly calms down when I hold her like a baby. She sleeps in weird positions.

She needs to be touching someone at all times unless, of course, she does not want to be touched in which case she will get up & go lay somewhere by herself. She has no concept of boundaries. She will lay on whatever is in your lap: laptop, book, iPad, doesn’t matter; she isn’t particular. Sometimes she’s nice about it and will paw at whatever is in your lap to get you to move it out of her way but sometimes she just walks right on top of it and lays down.

My Complete 180
You’re probably thinking, “Meredith. A blog post about your dog? Really? Nothing better to write about this week?” Well, sorta, but also it’s bigger than that.
We’ve always had a dog and I’ve always loved the dogs we’ve had but Zoe is different. Our previous dogs have all been outside dogs so with Zoe being an inside dog that already changes things. I wasn’t afraid of our dogs, I loved them and would play with them but it wasn’t like it is with Zoe.

I love this dog. Not just regular love this dog. I freaking love this dog. I’m slightly obsessed with her. I will probably have to be medicated if something happens to her. She goes with me whenever I go workout or do yoga and lays there, plays with her toys, sometimes tries to play with me, sometimes sits in my lap and makes me pet her while trying to do yoga. I’m offended if she won’t go downstairs and do yoga with me. We go get the mail every day. Every night after my dad comes home and he pets her, she walks right over to me & into my lap to be petted. One of her spots at night is in my lap. We’re close.

While I never had a problem with our dogs, I did with other people’s. Before Zoe, me & other people’s dogs had an agreement: I’ll leave you alone, you leave me alone. Simple as that. One day, I literally would not get out of my car because a neighbor’s dogs had run over to my car & were barking incessantly. I did not pet other people’s dog(s) no matter how friendly they seemed. Some might have been cute but overall, my response about other dogs was “meh”.
Zoe has turned that around. I pet other people’s dogs. I think dogs are cute. I’ve done a complete 180 when it comes to other dogs.
Zoe has changed me & changed my life so I felt like it was important to share a little about her & our relationship.
And if you just scrolled all the way through this blog and read none of it, you can now at least enjoy a bunch of cute pictures of her.


She is a sweetheart! I wanted to take her home with me the other week❤️
She is! She loved you with all the love you gave her! 💗