Recommended Young Adult Books: Part 2
My Recommended Young Adult Books are here for part 2! I really enjoyed reading each of these books. There are some good ones, y’all! There’s a variety here so hopefully there’s one that you or the YA reader in your life will like. 🙂
I’ll share a link to each of the recommended young adult books where you can read the description of the book & purchase it if you like (it’s not an affiliate link). I’m going to include a photo of the book & my thoughts on it! If you have any YA readers in your life, or like YA novels yourself, please share this with them!
Onto the Recommended Young Adult Books!
YA Recommended Book #1:

My Thoughts:
Out of the 3 books I’ve read so far, this was the most YA novel to me. It’s definitely a great book for teenagers (14-16, maybe 17) and even older tweens. It was a good book. It’s sweet & simple. I read it out by the pool over the course of a couple of days & I’d say it was an easy read. There’s nothing overly dramatic about it; no plot twists or cliffhangers. I think it’d make a great beach or pool read for tweens or teenagers.
The book 13 Reasons Why is also by Jay Asher but that book and this one are two very very very different books so if you didn’t like 13 Reasons Why you may like this one. I read that one and liked it & I read this one and liked it. I guess my point is to not let the author & his previous book turn you one way or the other. If a book about family, love, and friendship—all set at the holidays—is your thing, then this book is for you!
YA Recommended Book #2:
This Lie Will Kill You by Chelsea Pitcher

My Thoughts:
I was prepared for twists & turns with this book. I mean, did you read the summary? The summary pretty much tells you that things are gonna get crazy (not in so many words but you can read between the lines). My sister actually read this book before I did (how though I don’t know because I bought it) & told me that there were a ton of twists and turns. And yet, I was still surprised by all of them. I knew they were coming and that there was going to plenty but I guess I just wasn’t prepared for what they were. I also did not think it was going to end the way it did (no cliffhangers or anything, no worries).
This Lie Will Kill You makes you speed read because you just. have. to. know. what. happens. You need all the answers. But there’s so many twists & turns that you need to read slowly or otherwise you have to go back and re-read a page or a couple of paragraphs twice. So definitely slow yourself down as you read. At a couple of points, I actually had to stop reading so I could process what I just read and let it sink in & sort it out in my mind. That’s how crazy & twisty it gets. I definitely recommend this book if you’re in the market for twists, turns, and “oh my gosh these people are crazy”. 🙂
YA Recommended Book #3:
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

My Thoughts:
In all honesty, I had no idea if I’d be able to fully read this book. The main character has got to be one of the meanest. I’m serious. Out of all of the books I’ve read, this character, Sam, ranks high on my list of “Most Disliked”. I was 50 pages in wondering if I was going to make it to page 470 because Sam just grated on my nerves so bad, so heads up! Prepare yourself to absolutely dislike her.
I managed to finish it. I actually ended up reading it in a handful of days because I had to know how the book was going to turn out. Was she always going to be this super mean girl? Will she be able to change anything over the course of 7 days as she relives her last day on earth? What will happen at the end of the 7 days? I had to know. If I’m sharing a book with you, you can rest assured that I am recommending this book. I think you should read it if you haven’t already. It’s a great novel about hope, what really matters in this one life we have, and if your choices actually matter & make a difference.
(Side Note: It is definitely one that I would recommend to older teenagers (15-16+ year olds). There’s plenty of drinking, smoking, and sex-related innuendos & topics throughout this book.)
YA Recommended Book #4:
The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas

My Thoughts:
This book is a mystery book at its finest! I loved it and the whole time I had no idea what was going to be uncovered next or what the answer to the question was going to be. And then the ending? Definitely didn’t see that coming but I’m very impressed and happy with it. Once I closed the book, I had to sit there for a minute and process the whole book & make sure all the dots were connected because I just didn’t see that ending coming. Don’t worry, they all connect. J Kara Thomas did a great job with this one.
I want to clarify that this isn’t a psychological thriller like This Lie Will Kill You was nor is it a murder mystery. It’s just a straight up mystery & I was here for it! The whole time you just keeping wondering what’s coming next, what’s going to be uncovered next & that’s a lot of fun as a reader.
I would definitely recommend this book to my mystery lovers out there! Actually, I would say that you must read it. And if this book is any indication, I’d suggest reading Kara Thomas’ other books too.
YA Recommended Book #5:
Love, Life, & The List by Kasie West

My Thoughts:
Light. Fresh. Fun. Sweet. With a little bit of sadness. That’s how I’d describe this book. I completely tore through this book. I just could not put it down and anytime I did, I would just wait until I could pick it back up, which is how I managed to read this book in 2 days. Haha It was an easy read so you can finish it in no time even though it’s almost 400 pages.
The sense of humor is straight up sarcasm & I loved it! It all hit just right which can sometimes be hard to do or even tell when you read a book but it comes through well & clearly in this book. It was the perfect book to just sit back, relax, and fall right into a sweet story about a teenager finding her heart while navigating friendships, family, expectations, and the things we let hold us back.
I definitely recommend this one for those looking for a sweet story to take their mind off of everything going on around them or to cleanse their palette from some of the other crazy mystery/thrillers on this list.

That’s all the Recommended Young Adult Books for the second edition! Hopefully this post will help you or the YA reader in your life to pick their next book!
Tell me below: have you read any of the Recommended Young Adult Books in this post? What were your thoughts? Let’s chat in the comment section!

Part 1 of my Recommended Young Adult Books can be found here! Happy reading!