Meredith’s Recommended Books: March
Y’all. Well, first off: welcome back to my recommended books series for March! Okay, so y’all…
I lifted my ban on Books-A-Million. We were supposed to go on vacation last week (but obviously, that couldn’t happen with coronavirus) & I wanted to get some books that would be good for vacation. In case you’re wondering what type of books that is, I didn’t want to read something too intense (like a psychological thriller) but I also didn’t want something too fluffy either. My go-tos for the beach are Emily Giffin, Sarah, Dessen, & Nicholas Sparks. Morgan Matson has also become a new go-to for the beach too. Except for Second Chance Summer. That one will make you cry. Anyway…I was looking for books for the beach & I went to check out the sale section. If I’m lucky, I can find maybe 1 or 2 books max. I was going to be happy with that. I found nine books. 9! In the sale section. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how amazing & lucky that is?!
By the time I got finished looking at my books there, I was too overwhelmed to even go look at the books on my book list. So I grabbed my 9 books & headed to check out. Normally, I totally would’ve cut myself off at 3-4 books. But they were on serious sale so I bought all 9 & have no regrets. It’s been almost 3 weeks & I’m still excited.
Now for the March Recommended Books! I read a nonfiction & a fiction book this month so let’s go ahead & get started with the nonfiction.

Onto the books for March!
March Book #1:

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz
Here’s the synopsis:
In The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.
My Thoughts:
If you haven’t read this book before, then I would say that you should. To me, there wasn’t any life-changing/altering information in here but it, to me, reaffirmed a lot of the things that we’re told throughout our life (“Don’t Make Assumptions”, “Don’t Take Anything Personally”) & really honed in on why exactly we should follow the Four Agreements. It broke down how the Toltecs believe there are various parts of the mind, how they can hold us back and how it affects us. Reading those parts of the book really helped drill down on how the Four Agreements can help & can change our lives if we take the steps to start implementing them.
Also, I don’t know what it is about this book—it wasn’t boring at all but I guess it was the simple, calm way it was written but I could only read a little bit before it made me tired. Like, actually sleepy. Therefore, I couldn’t comprehend the book & really make sense of it so I had to only read a little bit at a time & stop when I couldn’t focus. Just a word of warning on that. Haha
March Book #2:

Here’s the summary:
She went missing. He moved on. A whole word of secrets remained—until now.
Finn and Layla are young, in love, and on vacation. They’re driving along the highway when Finn decides to stop at a service station to use the restroom. He hops out of the car, locks the doors behind him, and goes inside. When he returns, Layla is gone—never to be seen again. That is the story Finn told to the police. But it is not the whole story.
Ten years later Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen. Their shared grief over what happened to Layla drew them close, and now they intend to remain together. Still, there’s something about Ellen that Finn has never fully understood. His heart wants to believe that she is the one for him, even though a sixth sense tells him not to trust her.
Then, not long before he and Ellen are to be married, Finn gets a phone call. Someone from his past has seen Layla—hiding in plain sight. There are other odd occurrences: long-lost items from Layla’s past that keep turning up around Finn and Ellen’s house; emails from strangers who seem to know too much; secret messages, clues, warnings. If Layla is alive—and on Finn’s trail—what does she want? And how much does she know?
A tour de force of psychological suspense, Bring Me Back will have you questioning everything and everyone until its stunning climax.
My Thoughts:
I wrote this a couple of hours after I finished the book:
I am mind blown. Speechless. Still trying to process. It was SO GOOD but I was shocked by the turn it took. I was literally sitting on the couch mouthing “What?”, “Does that mean…?”, “WHAT?”, “What is even happening right now?”. That’s how mind blown it had me. I was reading faster than my brain could process & I kept having to remind myself to slow down and process every word because in psychological thrillers, every word matters. That’s how good it was. I couldn’t get enough. I needed a good good good book that I couldn’t put down, couldn’t get enough of, & that totally engrossed me & I got all of that.
If that paragraph & the summary of the book doesn’t sell you, then I don’t know what will. This book is amazing & you need to read it. You won’t be able to put it down.
I hope you enjoyed the recommended books from March! Let me know in the comments below what you think about these books if you’ve read them or after you’ve read them. I can’t wait to hear!

Want to see my other recommended books? Click here and here.