Recommended Books
Every month I share my recommended books from the previous month & you can find those posts here.
My 5 Favorite YA Authors
Y’all know that I love YA (young adult) books so I thought today would be a perfect day to share with you my 5 Favorite YA Authors! I have been reading some of these authors for YEARS. I mean, years! High school years actually. At this point, I don’t even blink when one of these authors comes out with a book. I don’t even need to read the summary on the back of the book. It’s an “add-to-cart” moment for me, pretty much entirely automatic. That’s how good these authors are & I am so excited to share them with you! You may recognize a couple of them because I’ve…
Meredith’s Recommended Books: December
It’s time for the December Recommended Books. I can’t believe it’s been 1 whole year of “Meredith’s Recommended Books” series! This series pushed me to read more non-fiction books than I ever have in my life. Before, I used to read non-fiction books randomly but this year pushed me out of my reading comfort zone. More psychological thrillers entered my life & I read books from a ton of new authors too. I don’t always want to recommend books that you’re seeing everyone else read & recommend. I want to find new authors that you’ve never heard of and hopefully I’ve done that some this year. I’m really excited about…
Meredith’s Recommended Books: November
My picks for the November Recommended Books are here & they’re Christmas themed! Well, both of the fiction books are. Yes, there are 2 fiction books. Since y’all are reading this in December, I thought choosing books that had a Christmas setting would be a good idea. I wanted a cute, fun, romance style Christmas-y book. Then it was brought to my attention that that’s not everyone’s thing–even at the holidays. So I made an adjustment: 2 books. 1 cute and fun, 1 murder mystery. (I totally just typed ‘murdery’ and that honestly is totally true too. Haha!) There’s something for everyone here! I went in a totally different direction…
Meredith’s Recommended Books: October
I’m sharing my October recommended books & thinking about Thanksgiving. How. Is. October. Over? I feel like I was just thinking about what I was going to do for my birthday back in April. Time sure does fly by. I guess it’s true what they say, the days are long but the years are short. Anyway…October has three recommended books but I don’t want you to panic. Both of the fiction books go together & you should definitely read them both, one right after the other. I’ll explain more in my thoughts on the books (I combined my thoughts on them into one review). Also, don’t worry. I don’t plan…
Recommended Young Adult Books: Part 2
My Recommended Young Adult Books are here for part 2! I really enjoyed reading each of these books. There are some good ones, y’all! There’s a variety here so hopefully there’s one that you or the YA reader in your life will like.
I’ll share a link to each of the recommended young adult books where you can read the description of the book & purchase it if you like (it’s not an affiliate link). I’m going to include a photo of the book & my thoughts on it! If you have any YA readers in your life, or like YA novels yourself, please share this with them! Onto…
Meredith’s Recommended Books: September
I cannot believe we’re in October & that I’m sharing my September recommended books with you. March feels like it was just yesterday. Remember the fiction book from March?! That book was crazy. Anyway… It’s October and that’s unbelievable but I just want to say that I am back to my normal self when it comes to reading. As in, I have motivation to read again. I have no problem just picking up one book after the other. And more importantly, I really want to read. Yay! So happy that my usual reading self is back! I read the fiction book that I’m sharing with you today & and that…
Meredith’s Recommended Books: August
The Recommended Books for August are here! I have to be honest…I haven’t really felt like reading this month. I’m not sure why. When I’m outside, hanging out in the pool, I have no problem reading. But that’s my only motivation. Other than that, not really wanting to read. I read so many books on vacation which I loved but I think that might have just burned me out a little bit so I took a step back & only read a little bit this month. That being said…the books I chose for this month were good! One is perfect for navigating your everyday life and overcoming the obstacles &…
Young Adult Recommended Books: Part 1
Young Adult Recommended Books are (finally) here! I love young adult novels. Granted, I am technically still a young adult. Anyway, I’ve been reading Young Adult (YA) novels for years & have come across some amazing ones spanning across multiples genres. I have a blog series titled “Meredith’s Recommended Books” that I do each month. Most of my readers are not young adults so I don’t share them in that series but I still read them. Since I do read them however, I wanted to share the ones that I have read so far this year and that I liked. I read a variety so hopefully there’s one that the…
Meredith’s Recommended Books: July
July’s Recommended Books are here! How has it been 6 months of Meredith’s Recommended Book Club?! I can’t believe August is here but let me tell you, July was a FULL month of reading for me. We went on vacation which automatically means a ton of books. I read 5 books during my trip & there were so many good books! A few YA novels & a couple regular novels were a part of my vacation/beach-read selection. I chose my favorite non-YA novel to share with you today. All of these pictures were taken on the beach. It was so fun to mix it up & have a different background!…
Meredith’s Recommended Books: June
I don’t know about you but I always read way more during the summer. I think it’s spending time at the pool or the beach that does it. It’s dedicated time to sit, read, and fully immerse yourself in a book. When I’m at the beach, I can read a book a day. I’m not kidding. I once read a 400 page book in one day. It was a really good book! (It was Panic by Lauren Oliver; a great YA novel.) Whenever we go on vacation, I bring one book per day just so I’m prepared. And I’m not a Kindle person. I prefer actual physical books. I want…