About Me!

Hey y’all! Welcome to my blog! I thought I’d start out this blog with an intro about me though I’m sure those of you reading this in real time probably already know who I am (Hey! Thanks for reading!).
My cousin suggested I start a blog. She said that I would be great at this & that I should totally start one to keep the family updated on life and just see where it takes me. She also told me that I’m good at keeping things real & I can do the same thing on the Internet to shed some light on the real, non-curated world. So here I am.
This little corner of the Internet is going to be a little mix of everything. I love a lot of things and have a lot of interests so it doesn’t feel right to make this blog one specific thing like a food blog, or a fashion blog, or any other specific type of blog. I’m going to post a little of everything here: food, DIY projects, life updates, anything that I want to write about & post, I’m going to!
Here’s some things you should know about me:
- I’m Meredith and I’m a talker. I thought we should just go ahead and get that out of the way. My sister once told me that I had met my quota for the day. I’m not kidding.

- I’m pretty sure I keep my local Chick-Fil-A in business. At this point, they don’t even ask for my name when I order. They say, “Hey Meredith! What can I get you today?” Once my voice was recognized through the speaker at the drive-thru. I should probably be embarrassed but….I have no shame.
- I love to workout and do yoga. Which is hilarious because in middle school I was known as the “Girl Who Hates to Sweat”. I’ve really come full circle.
Let’s see…what else should you know about me? Hmmm…
- Oh! My family has a dog, Zoe. We had dogs growing up my entire life but they were all outside dogs and I loved them, yes. But was I an animal person? Absolutely not. I had this understanding with other animals: I leave you alone and stay away from you. You leave me alone and stay away from me. I wasn’t even wanting a dog when we got Zoe. But I absolutely, ridiculously, obnoxiously love her. My family is the most surprised that I am all about Zoe because I have never been an animal person. Zoe is spoiled rotten and kinda sorta totally controls our lives. But see how cute she is?!

- I love music. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t listen to it. I also love CDs. Any time a new album comes out that I want to listen to, I go to Target & buy the CD. I’m even happier if there’s lyrics in the liner notes. I also have an iPod that I treat like a tiny, fragile baby. I use it every day, take it everywhere & guard it with my life.
That’s all I’ve got for this post! Thanks so much for reading & joining me on this adventure!